We all die! There isn’t one person alive that can escape death; everyone, including you! The ancient Stoics spent a fair amount of time pondering death and how we should mentally approach it. So, what mental framework do we need to face this fact of nature? Why did they think this was necessary? I believe this is because so many people do not want to face the prospects of their own end. Instead, they avoid it like the plague. Stoicism teaches us to accept death as a natural part of our life, which it is. We are born, we live, and we die. That is something that is unescapable. Kinda like taxes.
One of the Stoic lessons concerning death is the rational acceptance of death. We must spend some time thinking about the fact that we have a limited life and we eventually die. Especially considering all the material assets that you have chased and sacrificed for over the years will no longer matter. All the accomplishments you have achieved will not matter. All the loving relationships you have nurtured will not matter. You, in fact, will not matter. Stoicism teaches us that what matters is now. Always remember that this is a wonderful day that you are experiencing. The past is a memory that cannot be altered, and the future is a dream. So, you only have the present moment. Don’t waste it and make it the absolute best you can.
We should be grateful for every second that we get to spend alive. Accept all the ups and downs, good and bad, positives and negatives, as they come. Do not become burdened with what happened in the past. Do not get wrapped up in projecting your thoughts into the future. Lastly, we should look at each day as a gift and focus our whole being on living it well.
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