I think it is fair to say that our society and way of life seem to be getting faster with more and more distractions. Our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. We are becoming less able in dealing with distractions. Many of us feel stressed and are unable to effectively deal with the pace. It is becoming more difficult to maintain our concentration and block out all the distractions. It is becoming more difficult to complete tasks that require mental effort. So, how do we overcome and function in this environment?
As you develop your understanding of stoicism and stoic thought, you’ll start to gain the mindset to know how to focus. You will increase your levels of concentration and be able to focus on what is in front of you in great detail. Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher king and influential Stoic thinker, stated that we should focus on our tasks with genuine seriousness, tenderness, willingness, and justice, freeing ourselves of all other distractions. Given today’s world, it sounds easier said than done. The key to mastering the stoic ability to concentrate is summed up as follows: do everything as if it were the last thing you were doing in your life. Be that serious with your tasks.
Marcus’ advice to live each day as if it were our last can be too intimidating for some people. But it does put things in perspective. If something is worthwhile, it is worthwhile to devote our full attention to completing it. We can learn to tune out all the chatter and focus not just on the task at hand but on life itself.
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