How do we get the word out about becoming stoic? One of the ways is that we post our memes over several social media sites. Some get a lot more attention than others with thousands of likes. It is rewarding to see all the positive comments on them. We also get a few harsh comments from some folks. Regardless, we will continue to post our memes that contain Stoic thought and ideas. If you haven’t seen all the ones we’ve posted, then just search through our collection found below.
Meme-Avoid Vices
Meme-Avoid Vices: We should focus on developing strong virtues and avoid chasing pointless vices.
This is a little humbling for some. We need to remember that each of us, all our accomplishments, and possessions will eventually be forgotten once we are dead.
Meme-Desires in Check
Avoid letting your wants and desires from deterring your mindset. Stay focused!
Meme-No Affect
Why do you allow outside events to upset you mind and ping your emotions? The Stoics teach us to not allow outside events to disturb our "inner citadel".
Meme-Reason Guide
It is uber important to use rational thinking as a guide in your daily interactions. Especially with aggressive people.
Meme-Think Before Acting
It is important that when interacting with others that we take the time to think for a moment before we act or speak. This can help a lot especially is it is difficult conversation with someone being aggressive.
Negativity can really do a lot of damage to so many aspects of our lives. Stoics stress to remove negative emotions.
As we gain maturity, many learn that extremes in our behavior don't produce positive outcomes in many situations. Moderation is the key.
Be rational and limit your imagination from occupying your thoughts. Experience now! It is all you actually have.
We all can get carried away in the moment. Stoicism teaches us to develop mental fortitude to avoid excesses.
We have a tendency to desire things that we don't have. Consumerism pushes us to desire things that results in short-term happiness. Stoics maintain that we should be happy and content with what we have. Be thankful for the blessing in your life.
It is important to practice maintaining your self-control. Develop that habit. It will become extremely useful when you face a hardship.
When we allow ourselves to become angry or hateful we tend to do things that are regretted in hindsight. Stoics maintain that you should strive to not allow yourself to lose control and sink into angry or hateful behavior.
Meme – Emotion
Meme - Emotions: A lot of folks think that stoics are emotionless. Far from the truth. Stoics just keep their emotions under control.
Meme – Impulses1
It is sometimes difficult to overcome strong impulses. It takes determination and a lot of self-control.
Meme – Act
Having an emotional response to a situation often brings a cascade of negative results and other self-caused hardships. Stoics advocate that we remain in control of our thinking and determine the proper response before reacting.
Meme – Worry
Does worrying and being anxious influence the outcome of events? No, they don't, but they do cause you to overburden yourself with stress over things you can't control.
Meme – Overly
Life events have a way of causing us to display a wide range of emotions. It is better to train yourself to remain calm in difficult times.
Meme – Impulses
How do humans differ from other species? We have the ability to control our own actions and not allow impulses to overrule our rational minds. Impulses can lead to various forms of addiction that are harmful to our health, finances, and relationships. You are in control. Remember that!
Meme – Spar
We all face them in our day-to-day doings on occasion. Rather than dipping down to their level, think of them as a good learning experience on how to use the Stoic teachings. Think of it as a friendly sparring match. #stoic #stoicism #difficultpeople
Meme – Pleasure
You know how it feels inside when you do the right thing. It is like everything is in alignment... and it is. Let doing the right thing become a drug that addicts you that feeling. Thank me later. #stoic #stoicism #rightthing
Meme – Disappear
We should appreciate what we have. You traded the hours of your precious life to pay for it all, but just remember it can all be lost in moment. Ask anyone that has lost it all to fire, natural disaster, or financial hardship.
Meme – Control
Being stoic isn't easy. It requires that you hold yourself to a higher standard and continually seek self-improvement. Not allowing yourself to become angry at others is an example.
Meme – Embrace
The sooner you come to this truth, the better off you'll be. The only thing you truly own are your thoughts.
Meme – Circumstances
How? Because I enjoy and appreciate all I have without spending thoughts, efforts, and money on things that I think will make me happy. Live well and be happy with what you have.
Meme – Vices
We should all not allow our personal vices to ever overcome our rational minds. It is too easy for too much of a vice to gain a negative foothold on our minds and actions.
Meme – Peace
So many of of us associate the mountains, beach, or other calming location with finding peace. The truth is that peace is within yourself and not at a location.
Meme – Challenge
You must mentally prepare yourself to face any future challenge. If this is a focus, then little will be able to overcome you.
Meme – Help
Always remember that others depend on you. That is the motivation that should drive you to help and cooperate with others.
Meme – Right
You shouldn't feel compelled or shamed into doing good. It should be something that just naturally comes out.
Meme – Thinking
Each day, we should take a few minutes to examine and evaluate our minds. Do a self-check to make sure that we are thinking and acting correctly and in accordance with Stoic teachings. This will allow us to stay on track and avoid falling back into old mental habits.
Meme – Face
What good does complaining do for you? The answer is nothing! When you are faced with a harsh, difficult, or nasty task, face it head-on and overcome it. No one cares about your whining anyway.
Meme – Fortune
When it seems that everything is rolling your way... stop, take a breath, and observe things from a perspective that all isn't always what it seems. It might save you some problems.
Meme – Words
It is important to learn how to say just the right amount. We often say way too much and it can get us in trouble. Practice limiting your speak to only what is necessary.