Buddhism and Stoicism: A Comparison
Buddhism and Stoicism: They have much in common in their philosophical beliefs and some differences. The article takes a look at it.
Buddhism and Stoicism: They have much in common in their philosophical beliefs and some differences. The article takes a look at it.
Zeno of Citium wa the man who started the philosophy of Stoicism. Rand Cardwell provides an overview of his life and legacy.
Stoics understand the importance of devotion and duty to self, family, community, and society. Rand Cardwell addresses it in this article.
Posidonius was a Middle Stoa Philosopher that heavily influenced Stoic thought.
We can have more fulfilling lives and improve the world by embracing the Stoic virtue of justice. Rand Cardwell expands on it in this post.
Cato the Younger was instrumental in popularizing Stoicism in Rome. This short article provides an account of his life and influence.
Marcus Aurelius, arguably the most influential Stoic philosopher of all time, has shaped what we consider as stoicism. Rand Cardwell provides a historical account of his life and achievements.
Greed has been the ruin of many people. Not so much for Stoics. Rand Cardwell covers how to approach it in this article.
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